Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thoughts for November 7

Is it possible that November 7 had no small influence in the implosion of the Soviet Union.

The birth of the Soviet Union is marked by the October Revolution, which is celebrated November 7. Why November 7? Because in 1922 the Soviet Union’s adopted the Gregorian Calendar which had a 13 day difference in relation to the old Julian Calendar.

Rational explanation notwithstanding, it just doesn’t seem right. Israeli Independence day falls every year on the 5th day of Iyar. Even if almost no one uses the Hebrew Calendar, and the 5th of Iyar falls on a different civil date every year, there is something solid, reassuring and understandable about having a defined date.

Simply stating that the celebration of the Great October Revolution falls in November begs the question “Why?” or in today’s parlance “WTF?”. And once people question the discrepancy in the dates, perhaps they’ll also question the collectivization of agriculture, or the centralization of economic planning. Maybe even democratic centralism?

There probably is nothing to this little theory of mine, so I’ll still wish to all my friends and comrades out there, a happy November 7.

But next time, let’s get it right.